World banknotes Cyprus one Cypriot Pound banknote of 1961.

World paper money Cyprus currency Cypriot Pound Lira banknotes
Cypriot banknotes - 1 Cyprus pound banknote
World paper money Cyprus Cypriot Pound Lira bank notes
Cyprus banknotes - Cyprus paper money
World bank notes Cyprus one Cypriot Pound banknote of 1961.
Cypriot banknotes, Cypriot paper money, Cypriot bank notes, Cyprus banknotes, Cyprus paper money, Cyprus bank notes.

Obverse: Opus sectile - Older version of the Coat of Arms of Cyprus at right., Cyprus map outline at lower right.
Reverse: Roman aqueduct near Larnaca and Roman pillars at Salamis ruins, Famagusta, North Cyprus.

Cypriot pound = 1000 Miles, from 1955 to 1983.

Kamares, the old aqueduct of Larnaka
At the exit from Larnaca towards the Limassol highway you see the grandiose arches (kamares) of the 16 kilometers long, 18th century aqueduct of Larnaca.

For the adventurer the old aqueduct of Larnaca offers a tremendous challenge. Walking in a straight line from the 1st arches (about 2-3 kilometers), you arrive at the 2nd arches, and after a walk of almost the same distance, (but having to pass the airport “bypass highway”) you arrive at the 3rd and lower arches. At this point you have to look for the old mill, which pumped the aqueduct’s water.

Then, for almost 9 kilometers up to the river, the water - channel goes underground, but every 30 meters you can see the “visiting wells” of this unbelievable project, which channeled the water of the river Tremithos to Larnaca till the 1950’s.

Many researchers and historians believe that this tremendous public work has existed since Roman times, (as it’s mentioned in the acts Secret of Apostle Barnabas) and that the Ottoman Governor Bekir Pashia reconstructed the whole project in 1745 on the basis of the surviving facilities. This argument is supported by the fact that a similar water channel exists in the archaeological site of the ancient port at Kilkis Street and at many other spots in the city dated in Hellenistic and Roman times.